Recent Publication List |
Papers from before 2009 can be found at the group members
homepages |
Improved Unsupervised POS Induction Using Intrinsic Clustering Quality
and a Zipfian Constraint
Roi Reichart, Raanan Fattal , and Ari Rappoport,
Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2010) |
Edge-Avoiding Wavelets and their Applications |
R. Fattal,
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2009) |
Edge-Based Image Coarsening |
R. Fattal, R. Carroll, and M. Agrawala
ACM Transactions on Graphics (volume 29, issue 1, 2009)|
Participating Media Illumination using
Light Propagation Maps |
R. Fattal,
ACM Transactions on Graphics (volume 28, issue 1, 2009)|