Fast Multi-Resolution Image Operations in the Wavelet Domain

Iddo Drori and Dani Lischinski


A wide class of operations on images can be performed directly in the wavelet domain by operating on coefficients of the wavelet transforms of the images and other matrices defined by these operations. Operating in the wavelet domain enables one to perform these operations progressively in a coarse-to-fine fashion, operate on different resolutions, manipulate features at different scales, and localize the operation in both the spatial and the frequency domains. Performing such operations in the wavelet domain and then reconstructing the result is also often more efficient than performing the same operation in the standard direct fashion. In this paper we demonstrate the applicability and advantages of this framework to three common types of image operations: image blending, 3D warping of images and sequences, and convolution of images and image sequences.

Download the full IEEE TVCG paper (Adobe PDF, 2,469K).

Follow this link for our earlier paper on Wavelet Warping - 3D image warping using wavelets.

Images and Movies:

Cylindrical wavelet warping

Multiresolution planar wavelet warping

Wavelet warping with temporal coherence
Movie: avi, quicktime

Wavelet convolution with a Sobel filter

3D wavelet convolution of an image sequence
Movie: avi, quicktime
Original: avi, quicktime

Comparison of visual accuracy

Visually accurate lowpass filtering

Localized and multiresolution wavelet convolution